It was Crescendo Class day.  Two students had been absent the previous week and had forgotten that they we were performing for one another that day.  I let them know it was fine and that they could just be audience members since they hadn’t especially prepared.

To my delight, both students, in separate classes, decided that they really wanted to perform too!  They thought through what song might be best and then courageously played their songs for their peer groups!  One of them even attempted to play by memory!

I was so pleased that they would go the extra mile.  And was doubly delighted that they anticipated performing for their friends so highly!


Part of my Mission Statement at Bella Voce Studio is to equip students with confidence by providing them with “opportunities”. 

The opportunity to publicly share the work they’ve done plays a crucial role, I believe, in developing confidence, setting goals, overcoming nerves and more.


Each year, as I plan my studio calendar, I add recitals- one to the end of the school year and one at Christmas.  Then we fill in other months with our studio performance classes “Crescendo Classes” so we can practice performing in smaller groups and use it to better our performing skills. 


As the studio grows, we are branching out into even more significant types of performances such as Cabaret events, performance-related camps like Discover Your Voice Camp, and hopefully one day soon, our own musical!



Why are recitals important?


I have always believed that it is important for students of all levels, abilities, temperaments, and ages to perform as part of their training. 

Here are a few of the reasons I’ve decided to incorporate performance as a large focus in my studio. 



1. Recitals provide accountability. 


Let’s face it, everyone practices more when they know they will be on display!  This is usually the best antidote to a student who isn’t practicing regularly! 




2. Recitals help students accomplish big things.


Normally, the recital choice is a stretch of the student’s ability in some way, therefore they need to take longer to learn, practice, and master their song.  The long term goal setting and breaking down tasks is a great skill for life and can be fostered by performance opportunities.



3. Recitals help students step through fear.


Fear of the unknown or “I can’t”  is one of main reasons people shy away from different experiences.  By providing the opportunity to perform publicly, students have an easy avenue and a guide (me!) toward public performance.  




4. Performing regularly diffuses the pressure. 


Not only are the culminating recitals and larger performances important, but I emphasize “practice performance” as well through small group settings called Crescendo Classes.  


As students perform more often, are encouraged and supported by friends, have the opportunity to make mistakes in front of others and see that life goes on, and get to practice the structure and flow of what a recital feels like, it’s less unknown and a little less intimidating.



5. Recitals grow performers, not just musicians.


Performing is a separate skill from singing or playing well.  Many people want to learn how to make music or to sing better so that they can share that gift with others.  But the sharing part is different than having the skills.  


We grow in our abilities through practice and repetition and we grow as performers or presenters in the same way- through practice and repetition.  So, the only way to do that is to perform!


6. I love it!


I’ll just be honest.  Performing is just in my blood!  I enjoy being on stage. I love creating the recitals and shows we perform. I enjoy getting to direct students and help them explore their characters.  Therefore, it’s the way I teach and the way I am motivated and inspired, so I pass it on to my students!


If you are excited about growing your ability and learning to grow your confidence as a singer, pianist, and/or actor, check out these offerings at Bella Voce Studio, located in Mountville, PA. 

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