For some reason, I’ve always felt older than I really am.

Maybe it’s because I’m the oldest in my family.  And then I married a guy 3 years younger than me.  Even his oldest sibling is still 2 years my junior.

Seriously, it’s a sure fire way to always feel old.


When I ran across a quote a few years ago that said something along the lines of

“you’ll never be younger than you are today”

it seriously challenged my thinking.


You see, at 25 I thought I was “too old” to start a singing career, to learn to dance, and probably a plethora of other things. I thought I had missed the boat.

So I didn’t try.

It wasn’t a conscious decision, but the thought (and others) influenced my behavior.

I didn’t look for auditions.

I allowed myself to become consumed with my “real” job.

I shied away from experiences that made me uncomfortable.

I definitely didn’t sign up for any dance classes.


And, I got older.  Year by year.


So, whenever I revisited these deep down desires, the mantra was there.  It’s too late.


But when I saw that quote, I realized,

Wow.  It’s TRUE! I will never be as young as I am today!


And my thinking must be incorrect too, because I can obviously see that 25 is not too old for anything as I’m looking back at it!

So, if 25 isn’t too old from this vantage point, then 30 isn’t too old either.  Heck, neither is 40!

What am I waiting for?!



I want to encourage you today if learning to sing  or play an instrument is on the list of “things I wish I had done but now I’m too old” or “it’s too late”.



It’s not too late for a teen to start learning to play an instrument.

Just because all her peers started at age 6, doesn’t mean that she has missed the boat!  (I was 12 when I started piano lessons, and I learned the first levels so much faster than those 6 year olds did! ;-))




It’s not too late for a retiree who sang in high school and college and always wished for voice lessons but the money wasn’t there.

As long as your voice works, you can learn to sing better, my friend!

I’ve had 2 brave women recently, over the age of 70, contact me about voice lessons, saying, “you know what- if I’m going to do this, now is the time!  I’m not getting any younger!”




It’s not too late for the mom or dad who got married young and raised a family to start looking for auditions again.

There are roles for all ages!  You have so much life experience to bring depth to your character now that you didn’t have back in your 20’s.





There is something so freeing yet disruptive about allowing that new thought to permeate your psyche.  It urges you forward.

“You’ll never be younger than you are today.”

Let that be your mantra and see where it takes you rather than fixating on “it’s too late”.


You’re ready.


Remember, you’ll never be younger than you are today.


Get started!



About what have you told yourself “it’s too late”?

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